Skills Assignment

Area of focus: image design. I plan on using images taken from a music studio and creating an interactive layout that demonstrates a narrative for my production.

  1. Utilizing Lynda and learning strategies on creating a "vintage" feel. Lynda/YouTube will also assist me in layering images, and being able to use the space that I am working with.
  2. Work on layering images in a way to create a thematic sequence. One idea I was thinking about was showing the process of making a song through image layering.
  3. Capturing these photographs will also play an essential role in putting in the time needed for this assignment.
  4. Studying YouTube videos to be able to capture clear photographs, and then applying filters/effects to enhance the vintage feel.
  5. Do not want to involve much white space in this design.
  6. Texturizing and shading of images will be incorporated (Lynda tutorial).
  7. Pictures should be able to flow into one another and efffectively integrate it in the design.
  8. Create hyperlinks within the image(s) that would lead to the actual song that the pictures were representing.
  9. Integrate the song(s) into the page.
  10. Retouch any images with tonal adjustments/coloring.
Through doing image design and spending possibly more than 20 hours on this, I will be able to show the world my skills in music and design concepts as well. It will truly contribute to my future wellbeing and will make me a more well-rounded individual.

Start Time/Date End Time/Date Notes
9:10pm Feb 17, 2018 12:23am Feb 18, 2018 YouTube tutorial on how to enhance photographs PS. Then experimented with photos.
3:06pm Feb 18, 2018 7:44pm Feb 18, 2018 Lynda vid on PS basics/how each parameter is controlled. Applied to photos after tutorial.
8:21am Feb 20, 2018 10:55am Feb 20, 2018 Website on how to layer text within photographs. Applied in PS following the article.
9:45pm Feb 20, 2018 11:03pm Feb 20, 2018 Read article on different fonts and how to choose appropriate ones in design.
10:07pm Feb 22, 2018 1:36am Feb 23, 2018 Read up on how to integrate photos in HTML/CSS properly. Learned about how different effects in PS can help with layering rather than usual methods.
10:31am Feb 23, 2018 12:26pm Feb 23, 2018 YouTube tutorial on how to focus camera in low light setting. Practiced taking clear photographs in this environment
2:35pm Feb 23, 2018 5:56pm Feb 23, 2018 Successfully learned how to layer images (the way I want to incorporate in my design) through lowering opacity, filtering, sharpening, dimming, etc. in PS. Applied these concepts after watching YouTube tut.